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What is a young carer?  

Young carers are children & young people under the age of 18 who provide care, assistance or support to another family member who is disabled, physically or mentally ill, or has a substance misuse problem. They carry out, often on a regular basis, significant or substantial caring tasks, taking on a level of responsibility that may be inappropriate to their age or development. This can include providing practical and physical and/or emotional support. 

What support might a young carer provide?  

In general, support given by young carers can be divided into physical and practical support, and emotional support. Physical and practical support could range from ‘reminding mum to take a tablet once a day’ to ‘helping mum get out of bed and get washed and dressed in the morning.’ Emotional support could range from ‘keeping my brother company and talking things through with him' to 'make sure he is feeling OK’ to ‘preventing further suicide attempts from mum'.

What support do we provide at TDA? 

We offer a weekly lunchtime young carers group meeting. This is a great opportunity for young carers to get to know other young people at their school who are going through similar experiences. They can talk, feel supported, have fun and relax. The meetings are held in a private area of the school and run by the young carers champion. We can also make referrals to Centre 33. This is a highly regarded local charity which supports young carers and their families in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. 

If you would like any further information, please email Louise Lawrence on 

Young Carers - Centre 33